Ports, Marine & Coastal
Engineering to Support
Economic Growth & Port Development
We offer a wide range of planning, engineering, program management, and construction management services to assist in the development of deep and shallow draft marine and port facilities. Our experience includes container and general cargo yards, wharves, piers, bulkheads, aprons, railroads, transit sheds, roadways, turning dolphins, dredging and dredge disposal, liquid and dry bulk loading and unloading facilities, fire protection, electrical distribution, security, and a myriad of other elements for such facilities.
We also understand the challenge of protecting and enhancing environmental resources along coastlines. Our engineers have decades of experience providing coastal planning, management, and design services for shore protection and wetland restoration projects, ranging from preparing feasibility reports and wetland permits to preparation of construction documents and providing on-site construction management. Our technical expertise includes shoreline processes and numerical modeling, wave and tidal studies, coastal structure design (breakwaters, jetties, seawalls), dune design, and dredge management. Our dredging projects have included beneficial use, wetland construction, upland disposal sites, and beach fills. Finally, as funding is an ever-increasing consideration, we can assist you in identifying potential funding sources and grant programs.

Over 65 years of maritime and navigation engineering experience

Panama Canal Authority predicts that the volume of cargo transiting the canal will grow by an average of 3% per year, doubling the 2005 tonnage by 2025