Hydraulic & Transient Modeling
Anticipating the Future Needs to Keep Ahead of the Curve
Our team performs hydraulic modeling to understand water and wastewater demand scenarios, as well as recommend appropriate infrastructure pipe sizing, rehabilitation, replacement, or service extension. LAN also performs transient modeling as part of both planning and design efforts to ensure pipes, pumps, valves, and plants can sustain sudden and dynamic pressure surges.
Pipelines are meant to last, so LAN designs and helps clients prepare for various scenarios. We help our clients build stronger, more resilient systems by protecting against catastrophic conditions, such as sudden infrastructure system failures. If such a situation arises, LAN can perform emergency transient modeling to identify causes, provide shut-down modeling to assist with providing service during repairs, and recommend improvements.
Our experts have a comprehensive knowledge of water modeling tools and can work with a client’s existing software or recommend the most applicable.