Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO)
Stopping Failures From Spilling Over
LAN has managed wastewater collection and treatment processes for decades, assisting through the recommendation, compliance, bid, design, construction phases and project closeout periods. Arming clients with the why of failure or distress on top of the where, our expert perspective looks to both treat and insure against system failures. This two-fold approach is invaluable in managing sanitary sewer overflows.
With comprehensive assessment of the affected ground and utilities, we engineer tailored preventative measures into our diagnostic and SSO solutions. This enables clients to reach a state of readiness above and beyond simple regulation compliance, where sanitary sewer elements can be rehabilitated or replaced before they reach their end of useful life. With LAN, save time, money and stress.
LAN’s SSO Services
Sanitary sewer evaluation study and condition assessment
System modeling
Route analysis
Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) data assessment
Overflow reduction and wastewater collection
Bypass pumping and re-routing
Service area delineation
Hydraulic conditions modeling
System sizing assessment
SCADA and lift station review
Operations and management response planning
GIS integration
Traffic control plans and work schedule management
Utility coordination
Public and private regulatory assistance
CMOM regulation compliance
Budget optimization
Odor control

Over 1,000,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer has been designed and managed by LAN for municipal clients

LAN’s sewer rehabilitation improvements for the Clear Lake City Water Authority resulted in a 16% decrease in wastewater treatment plant influent over a duration of five years.