Repairs & Replacements – MD Anderson Cancer Center

Repairs & Replacements – MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas LAN is providing design and construction administration of infrastructure enhancements at MD Anderson Cancer Center as part of an IDIQ agreement. The projects include removing and replacing...

MEP Facility Condition Assessment – Confidential Healthcare Client

MEP Facility Condition Assessment – Confidential Healthcare Client Fort Worth Texas LAN provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing assessments in the development of an Enterprise Risk Management Program for a confidential healthcare network in Texas. The...

Edinger Pump Station – Orange County Sanitation District

Edinger Pump Station – Orange County Sanitation District Huntington Beach California Edinger Pump Station was constructed in 1965 and serves approximately 1,500 acres with current capacity of 3.5-MGD and future required capacity of 7.0-MGD. LAN prepared a...