MEP Facility Condition Assessment – Confidential Healthcare Client

MEP Facility Condition Assessment – Confidential Healthcare Client Fort Worth Texas LAN provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing assessments in the development of an Enterprise Risk Management Program for a confidential healthcare network in Texas. The...

Edinger Pump Station – Orange County Sanitation District

Edinger Pump Station – Orange County Sanitation District Huntington Beach California Edinger Pump Station was constructed in 1965 and serves approximately 1,500 acres with current capacity of 3.5-MGD and future required capacity of 7.0-MGD. LAN prepared a...

Facility Condition Assessment – Tarrant County College District

Fort Worth, TX LAN assessed the condition of nine various building types totaling 285,000 square feet as a proof test for adoption of a new facility management program to be utilized District-wide, based on the success of the process and the verity of the information...