Force Main Design – City of North Bay Village North Bay Village, Florida The City of North Bay Village is a three-island community situated in northeast Miami-Dade County between the cities of Miami and Miami Beach. The City engaged the services of Metro...
Canyon Lakes Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation – City of Lubbock Lubbock, Texas The Canyon Lakes Sanitary Sewer Interceptor serves northwest and northeast Lubbock and is one of the major interceptors in the city’s sewer...
Public Works Facility – City of Galveston Galveston, Texas LAN analyzed the space requirements for a proposed 20,000 square foot Public Works Facility for the City of Galveston. The new building houses the customer service, surveying, plumbing, construction...
Houston, Texas LAN developed the TCEC Silver award-winning study for a community in west Houston with well-documented flooding issues. InfoWorks SD was utilized to collectively analyze the existing drainage systems and to identify and prioritize recommended...
Barryknoll Lane Drainage Improvements – TIRZ 17, Memorial City Redevelopment Authority Houston Texas LAN designed dual, 8- by 6-foot reinforced concrete boxes along 2,700 LF of Barryknoll Lane to prevent hundreds of homes from flooding during storm events. The...