Port Neches-Groves ISD – School Bond Program Management

Port Neches-Groves ISD – School Bond Program Management Port Neches, Texas Because of Port Neches-Groves Independent School District’s (PNGISD) $123 million bond program passing, LAN served as bond program manager, responsible for coordinating and managing...

Sheldon ISD Hurricane Harvey Damage Assessment

Sheldon ISD Hurricane Harvey Damage Assessment Houston, Texas Sheldon ISD is one of the many school Districts across the Houston area that was affected by the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Sheldon ISD was in need of...

Snook ISD – Bond Program Management

Snook ISD – Bond Program Management Snook, Texas LAN performed pre-bond services and was the program manager for Snook ISD’s $9.7 million bond program. The program ultimately unified the District’s facilities under one roof, brought all facilities to current...

El Campo ISD – Bond Program Management

El Campo ISD – Bond Program Management El Campo, Texas LAN performed pre-bond services and program management as part of the District’s 2005 Bond referendum. LAN initially conducted a thorough conditions assessment of each facility and completed a District-wide...

Brazosport ISD – School Bond Project Scheduling

Brazosport ISD – School Bond Project Scheduling Clute, Texas The Brazosport Independent School District passed a school bond for $175 million for numerous new facilities and renovations and repairs to existing facilities.  The first major project in the program...