Program Management Support Consultant – Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Austin, Texas LAN served as the Program Management Support Consultant (PMSC) for the implementation of projects under the All Systems Go Long-Range Transit Plan. The LAN team...
State Highway 71 Toll Lanes – Texas Department of Transportation Austin Texas TxDOT selected a team from LAN and McCarthy Building Companies in June 2014 to develop, design, and construct the SH 71 Express Toll Lanes through a design-build agreement. SH 71 is a...
Texas State Highway 130, Segment 6.2 – Texas Department of Transportation Seguin Texas Utilizing a Public Private Partnership agreement with Ferrovial Agroman, LAN served as Lead Design Engineer for this 14.7-mile segment, four-lane divided toll highway with 16...
IH-35 Temple ROW – Texas Department of Transportation Temple Texas The My 35 Central Texas Expansion project began as a citizen-driven planning process to improve the IH- 35 corridor from Laredo to the Oklahoma border. The Central Texas portion of the expansion...
Interstate 10, Katy Corridor – Texas Department of Transportation (Houston) Houston Texas LAN performed detail design and provided PS&E for the reconstruction and widening of 3.18 miles of IH-10. The project consisted of replacing the existing 6-lane divided...