Pier 19 Rehabilitation – Port of Galveston

Galveston, Texas LAN provided a comprehensive site evaluation, identification of alternative restoration methods, consideration of permit requirements, and final design for the Port of Galveston’s Pier 19. The redesign of this area, which serves as a home port...

Velasco Terminal – Port Freeport

Freeport, Texas LAN prepared the Master Plan and designed Phase 1 and portions of Phase 2 for Port Freeport’s Velasco Terminal. At build-out, this new terminal will emcompass approximately 90 acres of container and general cargo storage facilities fronted with a...

Gate 12 Master Plan – Port Freeport

Freeport, Texas LAN prepared the Gate 12 Master Plan to serve the Port’s expanding Velasco Terminal. An iterative planning and analysis process was utilized by LAN to establish the requirements of the facility, develop options, and refine the preferred option....

Navigation Channel Improvements – Cedar Bayou Navigation District

Chambers County, Texas LAN assisted the Cedar Bayou Navigation District with the development of improvements to the existing Cedar Bayou Barge Channel. LAN’s services included both project definition and plan formulation to evaluate various project alternatives,...