Repairs & Replacements – MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas LAN is providing design and construction administration of infrastructure enhancements at MD Anderson Cancer Center as part of an IDIQ agreement. The projects include removing and replacing...
MEP Facility Condition Assessment – Confidential Healthcare Client Fort Worth Texas LAN provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing assessments in the development of an Enterprise Risk Management Program for a confidential healthcare network in Texas. The...
Pickens Biomedical Building Renovations – University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Texas LAN provided full A/E design, equipment planning, and construction administration services for the renovation of a 4,000 SF pharmacology lab at The University...
Green Research Building Renovations – University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Texas LAN provided full A/E services for this renovation project which consists of architectural, infrastructure, and equipment demolition and upgrades to 22 suites on...
Backflow Preventer Study/Design – University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston Texas LAN provided design, construction documents, bid phase, and contract administration services for the addition of backflow preventers to the domestic water service entrances to...