Master Thoroughfare Plan – City of Sugar Land

Sugar Land, Texas LAN was hired by the City of Sugar Land to update the existing Major Roadway Plan and convert it to a Master Thoroughfare Plan, as per the goals of the recently completed Comprehensive Mobility Plan. The purpose of the study was to expand the...

North LBJ Improvement Project – City of San Marcos

San Marcos, Texas The City of San Marcos engaged LAN to provide acquisition services for the reconstruction of North LBJ from Sessoms Drive to Holland Street. The project expanded Noth LBJ to a two-lane street, with turn lanes at intersections, sidewalks, and bike...

Frederiscksburg Road Bond Project – City of San Antonio

Frederiscksburg Road Bond Project – City of San Antonio San Antonio, Texas In anticipation of the proposed VIA rapit transit PRIMO bus service along Fredericksburg Road, the City of San Antonio contracted LAN to improve traffic flow and update signal equipment...

Goforth Road Extension – City of Kyle

Kyle, Texas The Goforth Road project reconstructed Goforth Road from IH 35 NB Frontage Road to Kyle Parkway for the City of Kyle. It involved widening 1.4 miles of existing 2-lane roadway section to a curb and gutter 3-lane section with a center two-way left turn lane...

Snook ISD – Bond Program Management

Snook ISD – Bond Program Management Snook, Texas LAN performed pre-bond services and was the program manager for Snook ISD’s $9.7 million bond program. The program ultimately unified the District’s facilities under one roof, brought all facilities to current...