Master Thoroughfare Plan – City of Sugar Land

Sugar Land Texas

LAN was hired by the City of Sugar Land to update the existing Major Roadway Plan and convert it to a Master Thoroughfare Plan, as per the goals of the recently completed Comprehensive Mobility Plan. The purpose of the study was to expand the existing plan into newly-annexed areas and the entirety of the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction; provide more accurate data for lane and intersection capacities; coordinate thoroughfare planning with other local and regional agencies, including neighboring cities such as Richmond and Missouri City; and provide a greater variety of typical thoroughfare cross-sections, including context-sensitive designs and provisions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit. The project also examined in greater detail the railroad corridor parallel to US 90A, examining potential grade separations, street closures, and potential roadway/rail track relocations.

LAN conducted a review of the regional travel demand model, compared and contrasted against the City’s zoning and approved large-scale developments, examined where roadway widening would be needed, developed and assigned roadway design standards to each major roadway segment, and reconciled roadway types and cross-sections with the City’s Hike-and-Bike plan. The ultimate products included a new Thoroughfare Plan Map; a database of roadway segments with assignments of functional classification, design standards, and other pertinent characteristics (such as right-of-way to be acquired); and a narrative report detailing the study process. Complete Streets (CS) elements were documented in terms of the City’s existing policies and roadway design standards which supported CS principles, as well as what additional considerations were needed to compare to CS best practices around the country. LAN, as part of the Thoroughfare Plan development, conducted a series of informational workshops for the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council, as well as coordinated with the consultants completing the City’s Comprehensive Mobility Plan.

At a glance

9 roadway improvement projects recommended

71 hike and bike improvement recommendations

5 city agencies coordinated

2 workshops with city staff

9 city staff meetings in 13 months

June 2012: Plan adopted by Sugar Land City Council


Complete Streets elements

Bike lanes

Context-sensitive solutions


Planning & Modeling

Transportation Services


City of Sugar Land

Related Work

Planning and Modeling

Transportation Services