Walking towards the Ultimate “Finish Line”… a World without myasthenia gravis !
The Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Walk generates awareness, renews hope, and creates a community of support and strength. The MG Walk enables patients to talk about their illness, many for the first time, and experience an outpouring of support, concern, and a pledge from family, friends, and coworkers to do more. The Dallas and Fort Worth offices joined together to participate in this event in support of Megan Gilliland’s mother. Megan works in the Right-of-Way (ROW) group in our Dallas office. Megan’s goal was to collect $800 in donations, and with the support of family, friends and co-workers she raised $1,100!
“LAN’s participation helped enable patients, like my mom, to talk about their illness and experience an outpouring of support, concern and pledges from loved ones. This was the first that my family had heard of the MG Walk here in the North Texas area and she hope to start a tradition of walking for the cause as long as she can. I am so grateful that the LAN family took such a large part in fundraising for Myasthenia Gravis.” Megan Gilliland, LAN ROW Technician.

It was a chilly day for a walk, but those that braved the cold had a great time and walked for a great cause. Megan and her family are extremely grateful for the support of LAN and the VoLANteers group.
For more information and to learn how to participate in an MG Walk near you, go to www.MGWalk.org