SH 121 Peak Period Tech Lanes – TxDOT Fort Worth District Fort Worth Texas The SH 121 Peak Period Tech Lane project included the widening 3.5 miles of existing 4-lane urban major highway in Tarrant County to add paved shoulders to be used as travel lanes during...
Westchase Pedestrian Enhancements – Westchase District Houston, Texas As On-Call Engineer, LAN assists with implementing various projects identified in the Westchase District’s long-range infrastructure 380 program, including roads, sidewalks, parks,...
Park Place Boulevard Improvements – Gulfgate TIRZ 8 Houston, Texas LAN designed a roadway resurfacing project along Park Place Boulevard from IH-45 and SH 3 to promote redevelopment throughout the Gulfgate District. The project is a partnership between the City...
Walnut Bend Reconstruction – Westchase District Houston Texas LAN designed 6,300 LF of roadway reconstruction to improve mobility and promote redevelopment in an urban environment in the Westchase District. Walnut Bend is the first major project undertaken by...
MoPac Diverging Diamond Interchange – Texas Department of Transportation Austin Texas The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) selected planning, engineering and program management firm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) as lead designer for MoPac...