Bayport Container Yard 6 – Port of Houston Authority

Houston, Texas LAN designed the North and South portions of the Bayport Terminal Container Yard 6, which totals 44.4 acres. Design improvements included all elements required for a complete and functioning yard, including site fill and grading, drainage, site...

Berth 5 Expansion – Port Freeport

Freeport, Texas LAN designed a 450-foot extension of the existing Berth 5 Wharf to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo ships for a range of sizes and tonnage. The wharf extension and backland space directly adjacent will include civil and electrical utility...

LaQuinta Cargo Yard – Port of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, Texas The LaQuinta Cargo Yard is the initial/interim development and is part of a larger 150-acre master-planned multi-purpose yard along the LaQuinta Channel near Gregory-Portland, Texas. LAN designed this initial 15-acre development, for general...

Lake Lewisville Zebra Mussel Mitigation and Control – UTRWD

Lewisville, Texas The Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) hired Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to evaluate options to mitigate the negative impacts of zebra mussels at their Lewisville Lake Raw Water Intake Structure. The project began in...