Houston, Texas LAN designed the North and South portions of the Bayport Terminal Container Yard 6, which totals 44.4 acres. Design improvements included all elements required for a complete and functioning yard, including site fill and grading, drainage, site...
Freeport, Texas LAN designed a 450-foot extension of the existing Berth 5 Wharf to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo ships for a range of sizes and tonnage. The wharf extension and backland space directly adjacent will include civil and electrical utility...
Corpus Christi, Texas The LaQuinta Cargo Yard is the initial/interim development and is part of a larger 150-acre master-planned multi-purpose yard along the LaQuinta Channel near Gregory-Portland, Texas. LAN designed this initial 15-acre development, for general...
Houston, Texas LAN designed two separate detention facilities in northwest Harris County as part of a larger facility-sponsored project to reduce flooding. The two sites total 65 acres and contain several groves of mature oak trees. The design includes a curvilinear...
Lewisville, Texas The Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) hired Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to evaluate options to mitigate the negative impacts of zebra mussels at their Lewisville Lake Raw Water Intake Structure. The project began in...