P3 Container-Yard Project Breaks Ground in Houston (Source: ENR Texas)
Crews broke ground on Aug. 16 on a new empty-container yard at the Port of Houston, the United States’ largest port for foreign, waterborne tonnage. The project is being funded as part of a public-private partnership.
Teams are developing the new facility at the port’s Bayport Container Terminal, explains Stephen Gilbreath, vice president and business group director of infrastructure water conveyance with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Inc., which is acting as civil engineer on the project.
Terminal Link Texas (TLT) is building the 25-acre empty-container yard, according to the port.
“This terminal provides support to the intermodal facility to service and store containers utilized to import and export cargo through the Port of Houston,” adds Gilbreath.
Upon completion in July 2018, the project will increase overall stacking capacity at the facility by as much as 80% while allowing for increased container-freight station activities and improved maintenance-and-repair operations.