Berth 5 Expansion – Port Freeport

Freeport, Texas LAN designed a 450-foot extension of the existing Berth 5 Wharf to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo ships for a range of sizes and tonnage. The wharf extension and backland space directly adjacent will include civil and electrical utility...

Lake Lewisville Zebra Mussel Mitigation and Control – UTRWD

Lewisville, Texas The Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) hired Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to evaluate options to mitigate the negative impacts of zebra mussels at their Lewisville Lake Raw Water Intake Structure. The project began in...

Surface Water System Improvements (Water Plants) – City of Conroe

Conroe, Texas With the mandated groundwater reduction requirement, LAN has been working with the City of Conroe (City) since 2010 to identify necessary system changes and needs to implement the use of surface water into their system. Six of the City’s existing water...

Spicewood Springs Pump Station Improvements – City of Austin

Austin, Texas City of Austin water customers in the Northwest Hills neighborhood consistently experienced low water pressure. To address this, LAN performed hydraulic modeling to analyze this problem and recommend a cost-effective solution. LAN and Austin Water...