Miami Dade County, Florida As owner’s representative for Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), LAN completed the preliminary engineering for this $85 million design-build replacement of a 20-inch water main between Port Island and Fisher Island. This project...
Flint, Genesee County, Michigan The Karegnondi Water Authority (KWA) acquired the services of LAN to evaluate and design a 66-inch raw-water transmission main from Bricker Road to Intermediate Pump Station. LAN was one of five design teams to help KWA design the 65...
Joseph A. Willhelm Industrial Pump Station – Gulf Coast Water Authority (GCWA) Texas City, Texas The Gulf Coast Water Authority (GCWA) retained LAN to perform two evaluations of the Joseph A. Willhelm Industrial Pump Station (IPS), which was initially...
Dallas, Texas Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) was selected as one of the design teams for the City’s 2015 water and wastewater pipeline maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. This is an ongoing program where water transmission and distribution as well as...
Houston, Texas The Greenspoint Waterline project was designed to transmit surface water to the north and northwest areas of the City and adjacent areas of Harris County and supply those areas currently served by the wells so that the wells can be abandoned. The...