City of Ennis Selects LAN to Develop Union Pacific Railroad Safety Zone
The City of Ennis selected planning, engineering and program management firm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to develop a safety zone along the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) between the intersections of Martin Luther King Drive and Lampasas Street.
The UPRR Safety Zone project is one of the critical components of the City’s Downtown Master Plan (DMP) developed in March 2016 to revitalize its downtown. The City envisions the safety zone as a means to safely and effectively separate the railroad corridor from critical roadway thoroughfares while creating an aesthetic gateway feature to welcome residents and visitors into the vibrant downtown district.
“The City of Ennis is moving forward with projects outlined in the Downtown Master Plan at record speed and we are thrilled to see multiple projects taking shape. We hope that the gateway will become a recognizable landmark unique to the City of Ennis. This is truly an exciting time to be a part of the Ennis community!” said Mayor Angie Juenemann.
Specifically, the following features will be studied and developed in accordance with the City’s DMP:
• Modifications to Ennis Avenue railroad profiles to create a new grade-separated crossing, introducing an iconic gateway feature envisioned in the DMP as a threshold into the city’s center of commerce;
• Improved connectivity and reduced traffic congestion throughout the downtown district; and
• Provision of pedestrian accommodation elements and safety features along the railroad right-of-way and at crossings
LAN will provide track, structural and civil engineering, along with, railroad coordination and project management services for this project. Architectural design of the iconic gateway feature and overall urban design of the gateway and rail corridor will be provided by landscape architecture firm, MESA, which is currently serving the City of Ennis on other signature DMP efforts as well. Other firms that will support LAN include Gorrondona & Associates, Hayden Consultants, Raba Kistner Consultants and GRAM Traffic North Texas.
“We are honored to support the City of Ennis in its efforts to revitalize the downtown district,” said Chris Masters, P.E., LAN’s vice president of rail & transit. “We are looking forward to working with the City and our partners to create an attractive, safe and effective urban environment that is welcoming to long-time residents, newcomers and visitors alike.”