Vigilance, Coordination Keeps Important Water Line Well-maintained and Operational (Source: Trenchless Technology)
Internal condition assessments can help identify issues that exist in aging infrastructure. In a city that is constantly growing, like Houston, Texas, it’s difficult to gauge what infrastructure should take precedence. However, when a leak is detected, the city must respond to prevent issues from turning into a catastrophic failure.
That’s what happened when a vital 66-in. line that runs under two major highways and supplies water to a sweeping stretch of the City’s northwest side was compromised. It took meticulous planning and massive coordination to restore. It was so significant, not only were immediate repairs necessary, it took additional years of preparation to fully examine and overhaul the affected section.
The Greenspoint 66-in. transmission water line is part of Houston’s vast infrastructure. It was built to reduce groundwater usage to minimize subsidence. The line was constructed of steel pipe between 2004 and 2006, totaling about 45,000 lf. The Greenspoint line provides water service to a part of Houston, Harris County, and the Houston Intercontinental Airport.