Wharf 2 Ship Collision Repairs – Port of Port Arthur

Port Arthur Texas

After a ship collision that occurred at the Port of Port Arthur’s (POPA) Wharf #2 berth, LAN provided inspection of the damage, coordination of environmental monitoring, and clean-up activities, as well as resultant design for repairs to the damaged wharf and fender system. LAN coordinated the environmental impact services, while inspecting and designing the structural repairs of the damaged wharf area. Working with POPA personnel, LAN coordinated the inspection and repairs to facilitate a quick response and reporting of the required information to federal and state authorities as well as maintaining the operation of the Port’s wharf area.

At a glance

Ship Collision Inspection


Damage assessment

Environmental monitoring

Coordination with Marine Insurance Adjusters


Condition Assessment


Environmental Services

Structural Engineering


Port of Port Arthur

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Structural Engineering