Transfer Lift Station & Force Main – City of Waco
Waco Texas
LAN performed preliminary engineering and final design for a new 104-MGD Transfer Lift Station to replace an existing 84-MGD lift station constructed in 1984. Constructing the new lift station saved approximately $20 million compared to relocating and expanding the existing facility. Design of the new lift station included re-alignment and expansion of existing interceptors, a new wet well with 6 submersible pumps (5 in service, 1 standby), new electrical equipment, and connection to the existing and new force main.
The project also included 5,000 LF of 66-inch interceptor to convey up to 50-MGD of sewage to the Transfer Lift Station. A three-barrel siphon (one 36-inch and two 42-inch) was designed to cross 1,500-feet of the Brazos River and connect the interceptor with the lift station. The triple barrel siphon design provides flexibility for the system’s 20-MGD average daily flow and capacity for the 50-MGD peak flow.
LAN also designed 15,000 LF of 54-inch force main to connect the Transfer Lift Station to the Central WWTP. The force main provides 2 feet per second velocity with a single pump in operation and sufficient capacity during the peak flow of 104-MGD. The new force main route parallels the existing force main and provides flexibility and redundancy in this critical conveyance system.
At a glance
104-MGD lift station
14,000 LF of 54-inch rforce main
5,100 LF of 66-inch gravity interceptor
$46M total construction cost
$20M construction savings identified during preliminary engineering
Hydraulics and Transient Modeling
MEP Engineering
Wastewater Treatment
Construction Management and Inspection
City of Waco