Surface Water Transmission Program – City of Houston

Houston Texas

Since 1985, LAN has served as Program Manager for the planning, condition assessment, design, and construction management of the City of Houston’s Surface Water Transmission Program. The purpose of this Program is to transmit water from Houston’s surface water purification plants, as the use of surface water is necessary for Houston to convert from groundwater to reduce the effects of subsidence. The $660 million Program has delivered more than 300 miles of transmission and distribution mains of up to 108-inches in diameter.

As Program Manager, LAN has represented the City for the delivery of 168 engineering design projects (2016) which include water system analysis, water treatment facilities and pump stations, ground storage and well systems, and waterline rehabilitation.

Many projects undertaken by the Program are located in congested urban environments. Sound engineering design, construction phasing, and traffic control planning are key aspects of this Program managed by LAN. Trenchless technology is essential for many of these projects to minimize disruption to traffic, residents, and businesses. LAN is well versed in many trenchless construction and rehabilitation methods, including tunneling, microtunneling, horizontal directional drilling, cured-in-place pipe, sliplining, and many others.

In addition, LAN performs value engineering and constructability reviews to identify opportunities to reduce costs and minimize impacts to the public during construction as well as reduce future O&M costs.

At a glance

$660 million program

More then 300 miles of transmission pipeline

168 engineering projects, up to 108-inch diameter pipe size


Extensive utility coordination in traffic control due to program’s location in an urban environment

Significant right-of-way acquisition efforts

Accelerated Program completed under a fast-track schedule to meet EPA mandate



Program Management

Pipelines & Rehab


City of Houston

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K 12 Education

K12 Education

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