Shoreline Stabilization – Port of Port Arthur

Port Arthur Texas

LAN prepared a Shoreline Stabilization Study which analyzed the advancement of erosion due to the continuous force of ship and vessel wakes, wind driven waves, and concentrated impacts from hurricanes or tropical storm events. The study, which considered multiple alternatives including rip rap armor stone, articulated concrete mats, and a steel sheetpile bulkhead, covered 4,300 LF of undeveloped shoreline owned by the Port along the Sabine-Neches waterway. Numerous factors, including operational uses and flexibility, cost, ease of future expansion, ability to reclaim lost real estate, allowable damages, schedule, and permitability, were all evaluated in the study, with particular attention given to a proposed Phase 1 section covering 1,800 LF of shoreline. LAN obtained a Section 10/404 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District to armor the shoreline, develop 15 acres of backlands, and mitigate all wetlands that will be disturbed.  LAN completed Phase 1 of the design, which utilizes Articulated Concrete Mats as the mode of protection. The project was eventually combined with the subsequent design of an adjacent 600 foot dock extension project.

At a glance

1,800 LF of shoreline protection

Mitigation of eroding shoreline

Enhancement of adjacent 15 acres of developed backlands

USACE Permit


USACE Permit and mitigation plan

Arrest shoreline erosion and mitigate loss of shoreline

Evaluation of alternatives and best value solution

Articulated concrete mats


Coastal Engineering




Port of Port Arthur

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