Sanitary Sewer & Rehabilitation Program – Clear Lake City Water Authority

Houston Texas

LAN is serving as Program Manager for the Clear Lake City Water Authority’s (CLCWA) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program to examine the sanitary system, schedule maintenance, and conduct improvements in a cost-effective manner. Under this program, LAN has provided design for rehabilitation of the CLCWA’s existing wastewater collection system comprised of 28 lift stations, 6,000 manholes, and 1.1 million LF of sanitary sewers (gravity and force main) varying from 6- to 60-inches in diameter.

Programs were developed to map and inventory the collection system and identify plans to expand, upgrade, and maintain these utilities. Rehabilitation projects were divided into 65 phases based on subdivision location and sewer system condition. LAN prepared the rehabilitation drawings and specifications to identify the most cost-effective methods.

All data was collected and input into Geographical Information Systems (GIS) identifying the sewer system and its attributes, such as the line’s length, pipe diameter, inspection method, and rehabilitation status and method. The GIS information is used to assess the program’s success with minimizing sanitary sewer overflows.

To date, more than $26 million of improvements have been completed by LAN, with methods consisting of open cut and trenchless construction such as cure-in-place pipe, pipe bursting, and slip lining. As a result of LAN’s efforts, CLCWA has experienced a 16% decrease in wastewater treatment plant influent over the past five years.

At a glance

260,000 LF of 6- to 60-inch sanitary sewer rehabilitation

62,000 LF of storm sewer rehabilitation

$26 million program

16% decrease in wastewater treatment plant influent since program’s implementation

1,300 manholes rehabilitated

28 lift stations rehabilitated


To complement the Sanitary Sewer Manhole Evaluation and Rehabilitation Program, LAN created and provided program management services for a manhole rehabilitation pilot program

Projects were divided into 65 phases based on subdivision location and sewer system condition

Used same rehabilitation methods for manholes in close proximity to avoid extensive construction inconvenience



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Clear Lake City Water Authority

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