Pier 19 Rehabilitation – Port of Galveston
Galveston Texas
LAN provided a comprehensive site evaluation, identification of alternative restoration methods, consideration of permit requirements, and final design for the Port of Galveston’s Pier 19. The redesign of this area, which serves as a home port to Galveston’s historic “Mosquito Fleet”, included a wharf with finger piers on concrete piles to create a low maintenance facility and a parking area that accommodates four railroad tracks providing access to piers east of Pier 19. LAN led a team of specialists to evaluate the area, conduct underwater inspections, and prepare a report of the alternatives and recommendations for the restoration of the area to meet the piers’ charter. The design was particularly challenging as the soils are poor, but the facility had to be designed to resist the occasional hurricanes that occur on or near Galveston Island. Shoreside amenities, including new walkways and restrooms, were also provided to facilitate public access and tourism.
At a glance
Timber construction
USACE coordination
Coordination with existing tenants during construction
Tourism enhancements
Aesthetic timber design
Shoreline stabilization
Coastal Engineering
Ports & Marine
Port of Galveston