McKinney No. 1 to Princeton No. 1 Water Line

Mckinney to Princeton Texas

LAN provided route evaluation, design, and construction administration for more than 38,000 LF of 24-, 30-, and 72-inch diameter water transmission line. The alignment was along a quickly developing US 380 corridor, including four separate system interconnections. Each interconnection was completed within an allowable 24-hour shutdown window, connecting bar-wrapped and ductile iron pipe. In delivery, our team negotiated an isolation valve variance with TCEQ reducing the base requirement of 18 valves to only two, saving more than $400,000.

The quality of construction documents was demonstrated with 13 qualified bids received that were very tightly grouped, with the low and average bids both within 5% of the engineer’s estimate. The only change orders were from rock strata not identified in geotechnical investigations and totaled less than 2% of the bid value.

At a glance

4,000+ LF of 24- and 30-inch diameter water transmission pipeline

4,000 LF of 72-inch diameter steel water transmission pipeline

Four system interconnections at various points along the alignment


Installation of a large diameter transmission line ensures a seamless flow of resources, facilitating the growth and development of the region along a developing corridor.

Connected the McKinney No. 1 Pump Station to the Princeton No. 1 delivery point.

Strategically designed the pipeline to operate in parallel with the existing pipeline.

Leveraged our in-house expertise for permitting, tunnel design and cathodic protection, which expedited project delivery while significantly reducing design costs.

Coordinated with private development and future Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) improvements for construction sequencing planning efforts.



Water Supply & Transmission

Tunnel/Trenchless Construction


North Texas Municipal Water District

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