Little Cypress Creek Subregional Watershed Plan – Harris County Flood Control District

Houston Texas

The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) initiated the Little Cypress Creek (LCC) Frontier Program as part of a strategic effort to plan for and implement effective flood risk management solutions in advance of future land development within the watershed. To facilitate the greater vision of the LCC Frontier Program, LAN, in partnership and coordination with HCFCD, concurrently developed a Master Drainage Plan (MDP) to serve as the technical framework for supporting the Frontier Program and Program Development to communicate benefits of the Frontier Program to land developers. LAN prepared a comprehensive planning study detailing implementation of the MDP, final development guidelines, detention storage requirements, channel conveyance requirements, channel excavation accounting, detention basin excavation accounting, and ROW requirements to support the program.

One of the key tasks of the MDP was the creation of master models to incorporate all major proposed drainage features in LCC Watershed and to prove the proposed drainage features will holistically provide for the FEMA 100-year water surface elevation inside the banks of all the proposed regional basins and lateral channels (where improvements are proposed).

At a glance

52 square-mile watershed

Seven regional detention basins

14,000 acre-feet of storage


Master drainage plan

Program development

Master model development


Stormwater Management


Harris County Flood Control District

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