Full Service Plan Checking – Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District

Riverside California

LAN reviews land development plans and provides project compliance with the District’s recommendations for engineering standards approval. These services require coordination with various District departments including planning, O&M, contract administration, right-of-way, and watershed protection along with Riverside County Transportation Department, incorporated cities, developers, consultants, and other agencies.

LAN provides feasible solutions to engineering issues that occur during the design phase, which requires familiarity and experience with the District, Caltrans, Los Angeles County Public Works, and Green Book engineering standards and specifications. Work typically includes review of plans for new District storm drain systems, proposed connections to existing storm drain systems, and proposed street improvements along with drainage reports, water quality management plans, and agreements for conformance to the District’s conditions of approval and engineering standards.

At a glance

Storm drain systems

Street improvements

Water quality management plans


Inter-department coordination

Agency approval


Plan review

Engineering standards compliance

Solution recommendation


Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District

Related Work

Land and Site Development

Stormwater Management

K 12 Education

K12 Education

Stormwater and Drainage