Frederiscksburg Road Bond Project – City of San Antonio

San Antonio Texas

In anticipation of the proposed VIA rapit transit PRIMO bus service along Fredericksburg Road, the City of San Antonio contracted LAN to improve traffic flow and update signal equipment along the Corridor. The study area includes Fredericksburg Road from Hamilton Wolfe to IH10 and Woodlawn. The project has two major tasks, Traffic Signal Timing and Traffic Signal Design. The Study Corridor included traffic signals operated by multiple agencies and required extensive coordination involving the City of San Antonio, TxDOT, VIA, and the City of Balcones Heights.

Traffic data was collected at 35 study intersections which were modeled using traffic simulation software to reflect existing conditions. LAN then developed optimized traffic signal timing plans by adjusting these models based on City of San Antonio traffic signal timing procedures. Signal timings were optimized to maximize vehicle progression and minimize side-street delay throughout the corridor. Proposed traffic signal timings plans resulted in a 15 percent reduction in overall system delay in the AM and Off Peak Periods, and a seven percent reduction in the PM Peak Period according to simulation models.

At a glance

Thirty-five intersection studies

Twenty-three traffic signals redesigned

Fifteen percent reduction in system delay


Traffic signal timing

Traffic signal design

Extensive agency coordination


Planning & Modeling

Transportation Services


City of San Antonio

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Transportation Services

Planning and Modeling