Detailed Planning Helps Resolve Leak on Critical CWA 102-Inch Line (Source: Underground Construction)
Author: By Greg Henry
A major component of the Texas Coastal Water Authority (CWA) is the Lynchburg Pump Station and three, large-diameter pipeline distribution systems that make up the Trinity River Water Distribution System. These three pipeline distribution systems, known as A, B and C Systems, deliver nearly 1 billion gallons per day of raw water from the Lynchburg Pump Station to the city of Houston’s East Water Purification Plant and industrial customers along the Houston Ship Channel, Houston’s Southeast Water Purification Plant, Highway 225, and the Bayport area.
Shortly after rare major freezing weather in Houston on Jan. 19, the CWA identified a leak on the C-System at the end of Industrial Road adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel. The leak, which was on a 102-inch prestressed concrete cylinder pipe line, was flowing from the ground within CWA’s right-of-way near a private entrance road with almost non-stop heavy truck traffic.
Conveying approximately 250 MGD of raw water, the C-System is Houston’s primary water source feeding almost two-thirds of the city. Given its importance, CWA engaged Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Inc. (LAN), a national planning, engineering and program management firm, to identify potential causes and repair methods, and perform a manned entry inspection of the water line. On Jan. 24, LAN met with CWA to begin various planning and coordination tasks.