Timbalier Island Restoration – Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

Timbalier Island Louisiana

The Timbalier Island Dune/Marsh Restoration Project was a coastal restoration project to rebuild approximately 200 acres of beach, dune and marsh habitat along the east end of the island. The project was funded through the Coastal Wetlands, Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) and administered by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. Project goals included developing a sustainable, soft structure design to minimize future erosion while providing habitat for various shorebirds, fish and other near shore species. Timbalier Island is one of several barrier islands that provide the first line of defense for hurricane protection in the region. LAN provided detailed coastal modeling and coastal engineering design, which included pre- and post-project wave conditions, longshore and cross-shore currents, and long-term shoreline change. The modeling results were used as a quantitative tool to maximize CWPPRA funds by improving project performance and evaluating incremental design features. Ultimately, the modeling allowed the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources to optimize the CWPPRA funding for the project objectives through analysis of several alternatives. In addition to providing the primary modeling and analysis, LAN also developed the conceptual dredging and placement design concepts, and provided review of the final design documents

At a glance

200 acres of beach, dune, and marsh habitat


Beach nourishment

Dune restoration

Habitat restoration

Grant funding support

Alternatives analysis


Coastal Modeling

Dredging Design


Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

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